Thursday, March 13, 2008

Structured Settlement Mutual Funds Schemes

How often do you find yourself saying: "I wish I knew how to learn more about structured settlement mutual funds"

Well, this article about structured settlement mutual funds was written with you in mind. Enjoy.

Among the options open to you if you've received a structured settlement from a lawsuit or arbitration is what's known as structured settlement mutual funds. You should take some time before you choose an investment vehicle for your settlement money and learn the pros and cons of the mutual fund option.

Always keeping your long-term financial security in mind, structured settlement mutual funds offer advantages and disadvantages when compared to other investing options.

When you are awarded a structured settlement, an insurance company sets up an annuity in order to pay you small portions of the money at regular intervals. The safest option is to keep the money"in house" and get a guaranteed scheduled payment that will never change. The downside to going this super-safe route is that your money will not grow (much, if at all).

With structured settlement mutual funds, however, the money is invested in one or more mutual funds. Mutual funds are groups of individual equities (stocks), the make-up of which is closely managed in an effort to maximize returns. The individual stocks in any mutual fund can change regularly.

This introduces an element of risk - sometimes significant risk. So, if you have your structured settlement money in a structured settlement mutual funds set-up, you have the potential for higher rates of return, but you also incur more risk that you'll lose some of your money.

In most structured settlements, the annuity that is set up is guaranteed. You are assured of getting the same amount, month in and month out, until the settlement money runs out. It's a good option for those seeking to avoid any risk.

As you've read until now, structured settlement mutual funds is a subject that needs knowledge and effort to work around. And the information in this article was gathered from several resources.

There are some more gems of wisdom in what follows - keep reading.

Structured settlement mutual funds are not guaranteed. The upside is the potential for earning more if the mutual fund's value increases. It's like getting a raise, but it isn't a sure thing.

From a tax standpoint, income you receive from a fixed annuity is tax-free (in most cases). However, structured settlement mutual funds are subject to capital gains taxes and the possibility of some income taxation. Keep in mind that if your mutual fund loses money, the losses can be written off of your tax bill (under most circumstances), so it's not all bad if things don't go well.

Choosing a standard structured settlement fixed annuity means you are locked into a set payment amount and schedule. If your needs change down the road, this may cause you some financial hardships. With structured settlement mutual funds, you are allowed to move money around (within certain strict limits) from fund to fund. This will allow you to adapt to changes more readily.

As should be clear by now, this is not an easy decision. There are many pros and cons, whether you choose structured settlement mutual funds, the fixed annuity option, or any other alternative. This is one reason why it's a smart move to enlist the services of a competent lawyer who specializes in this area of the law. It's also wise to educate yourself as thoroughly as possible before making the final decision.

The day will come when you can use something you read here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about structured settlement mutual funds.